The mission of Better Life for Animals is to educate and enlighten children (as well as the general population) in a non-invasive and child-friendly presentation regarding the inhumane treatment of animals. While this applies to all, the emphasis is on farm animals trapped inside the business known as Factory Farming.
The Author has now published three children's books as well as building a website where kids can learn more about animals, the farming industry, and what we can do to help them.
Factory Farming in North America is defined as "a system of rearing livestock animals using intensive methods, by which poultry, pigs or cattle are confined indoors under strictly controlled conditions". Often times, this method of farming livestock is specifically designed to maximize production while minimizing costs.
In the act of minimizing costs in Factory Farming, animals suffer egregiously. Just within the United States, approximately 10 billion animals are raised for dairy, meat and eggs each year. Unfortunately, much of the Factory Farming industry does not honor or facilitate the well-being emotionally, physically or environmentally of the animals they raise. Factory Farming also contributes negatively in various ways to environmental issues on a global level.
Better Life for Animals' intention is to create awareness and promote a Vegan lifestyle. A plant-based lifestyle can diminish the demand for Factory Farming products, minimize negative environmental impact, and save lives.
The benefits of a vegan lifestyle are immeasurable to human health, environmental conservation and the preservation of our animal friends.
Currently our plan is to donate 100% of all book sale proceeds to end factory farming.

How Saving one Calf Changed an Entire Community
The pandemic hit.
Our world was in chaos,
and then there was Gabriel.
A story by Cheryl Moss illustrated by
Irene Blasco. With epilogue by Leah Garcés, President of Mercy For Animals.

One Little Fowl Discovers What’s Truly Foul
The second in a trilogy of beautifully illustrated children’s books, this story about the compelling journey of a young chicken named Cluck, told by a sage parrot.
A story by Cheryl Moss illustrated by
Irene Blasco.

Can One Little Pig Weather the Storm?
The third in a trilogy of beautifully illustrated children’s books, this story about a little pig and his journey to freedom and happiness that will delight children and adults alike.
How to help animals
You are here because you want to learn more and offer help to animals like Gabriel. It’s a big task but what could be more important than to help an innocent creature who cannot speak for itself? Together we can make a difference.
Learn how you can help the Gabriel’s, Cluck’s, and Pickle’s of the world by clicking on the button below:

Plant-Based Kids: A Healthy, Compassionate Approach
Interested in raising your kids on a plant-based diet, but not sure where to start?
Raising Little Vegans: How to Talk To Kids About Veganism
How to talk to kids about veganism? or about animal welfare? It can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be!
7 Compelling Reasons to Rethink Aquarium Visits with Your Kids
Read on to discover 7 reasons why you need to avoid aquariums this summer.

Cheryl Moss
Who I am and why I’m doing this
For those of us fortunate enough to have lived long lives, to have raised a family, to have had a career, there comes a point when you ask yourself, “what’s next?” I’ve been asking myself this for many years. I am an animal lover, a devoted dog parent and an advocate for a Vegan lifestyle.
Life is full of choices. Many of us were raised eating meat and dairy products. We eat it without giving too much thought of where it came from. We try to ignore the cruel treatment an animal has endured to land on our plate.
I was once that person. But I like to say that over time I “woke up.” Once you let compassion and care step ahead of convenience and training, I believe that all of us can grow into making kinder and healthier choices. It happened for me.
It is my hope these books with their gorgeous, vivid images and simple message reach the young who are still formulating their values. I hope it speaks to their parents who thought enough to buy it and are reading it with their children. Let’s teach our young that there’s a better way.
Time is of the essence. We no longer are afforded the luxury of taking our time. The planet is changing rapidly. Animals are suffering needlessly. It breaks my heart. We cannot retreat into a slumber that the old ways will survive. Together let’s help push the needle. This website is committed to being a safe place for young minds to learn more about what a difference they can make when they choose to be kind.